Our Story

Several years ago, the journey of Wander Wash Co. began with Trevor and Cassy, the founders, embarking on a project house adventure. While Cassy returned to work in another state, Trevor remained, dedicating himself full-time to renovating the house. Amidst the chaos of renovations and twelve hour days, a discovery in the dark basement changed everything: a plastic bin brimming with melt-and-pour soap making supplies - molds, soap base, essential oils, the works.

Trevor's initial foray into soap-making proved enjoyable, yet he quickly grew dissatisfied with the lackluster cleansing quality and thin lather of the melt-and-pour method. Thus began his quest into the realm of cold-process soap, driven by the allure of its numerous benefits.

Fueling his newfound passion, Trevor dove deep into the depths of YouTube tutorials and devoured every book on soap-making he could find. Countless trials and errors later, he emerged as a seasoned "soaper."

Trevor and Cassy travel a lot. It's kind of what they do. After a multi-week trip to Japan resulted in a gooey mess in Trevor's shower kit, he became fed up with liquid shampoos and decided to start making his own shampoo bars. He quickly learned that traditional shampoos are up to eighty percent water and take up a huge portion of your bag for long trips. A single small shampoo bar could last weeks!

But what next? Armed with his newfound expertise, Trevor crafted exceptional soaps and shampoo bars that garnered praise from friends and family. Given his penchant for indulgent showers and traveling, the logical progression was clear - Wander Wash Co. was born.

At Wander Wash, our mission is simple yet heartfelt: to meticulously handcraft small-batch soaps and shampoos brimming with nourishment for your skin and hair, devoid of fillers or gimmicks. But let's not forget the essence of our creations - they must smell not just good, but truly captivating.